Kool algab koogiga // School starts with a cake

Scroll down for the English version!!

Vaagisin tükk aega, millist kooki 1. septembri puhul valmistada. Ikkagi eriline päev ning seega peab ka kook eriline olema. Lappasin raamatuid ja sirvisin internetti. Esimene valik oli Kodukirja astelpajutort, mida olin juba tükk aega raamatust luuranud. Aga astelpajumoosi ega -mahla pole, sügavkülmas on vaid marjad. Vaatasin veel mitmeid retsepte, tegin poenimekirju (kuna osa komponente oli puudu), aga viimaks otsustasin kasutada seda, mis olemas on (poeskäik jäi ära, saabki raha kokku hoida ja kappe natuke tühjemaks). Astelpajutordi teen valmis 11. septembril. 12. septembril jookseme koos Karliga (viimaks pani ta ka end kirja) maratoni ning pärast seda kulub üks maitsev ja vitamiinirikas koogitükk kindlasti ära. Muidugi, kui me pärast üldse üleval oleme. Arvatavasti magame paar tundi. Või isegi rohkem. Mäletan, et aasta tagasi, kui jooksin esimese poolmaratoni, tuli pärast selline uni peale, et magasin 2 tunnikest (oi, see oli nii hea uni!). Kui ärkasin, oli Karl sushit (!) valmistanud. Ma ei teadnudki, et ta midagi sellist oskab. Tuli välja, et tema oli selle 2 päeva enne omandanud, siis minu jooksu ajal kõik vajalikud osised hankinud (ja lisaks mulle finišisse vastu jõudnud tulla) ning uinaku ajal tegutsema asunud. Mulle õpetas ka.

Tagasi olevikku. 1. septembri koogiks sain inspiratsiooni raamatust “100 kooki 2“. Võtsin sealt idee ja muutsin päris mitmeid koguseid, nii et lõpuks tuli midagi teistsugust välja.


150g šokolaadi (originaalis 250g)
125g võid (orig. 175g)
1 dl fariini-, 1 dl valget suhkrut (or. lihtsalt 2dl)
4 muna (orig. 5)

3 spl jahu
2 spl kakaopulbrit
1 tl vanillisuhkrut
2 dl punasesõstramoosi (orig. 5dl pohlamoosi)

Minu lisandid:
6 spl maapähklivõid (seda helepruuni ja kergelt soolakat; minul oli Kanadast pärit lisanditeta maapähklivõid)
kaunistuseks ja vahele kompotikirsse
200g lahjat kohupiima (Selveri oma oli)
1 šokolaadiküpsis (Selga)

Mida ma tegin?
Muutsin retsepti mõnes osas lahjemaks, kuigi arvata võib, et maapähklivõi lisas hunniku kaloreid juurde. Siiski-siiski, vähemalt purgil olev kiri väidab, et see on tervislikke õlisid täis. Kiire surfamine netis näitas, et osa lihasekasvatajaid tarbivad seda ka kui heade rasvade allikat. Peaks kohe kööki minema ja ka ühe lusikatäie ampsama. Musklit kasvataks küll. Vaatasin oma purgi ka üle: 1 spl “maiust” annab 100 kalorit, 3g valku, 8g küllastumata rasvu ning 1g transrasva. Lisaks muutus kook kohe palju valgurikkamaks tänu kohupiimale.


Kogused küll erinevad, aga tegevuskäik enam-vähem sama. Sulatasin või, lisasin sellele šokolaadi ja fariinisuhkru ning segasin aeg-ajalt (et need ka sulaks). Vahepeal jooksin laua juurde ning eraldasin munavalgeid munakollastest. Kollased lisasin šokolaadisegule. Ükshaaval. Siis panin segu korra kuumalt plaadilt ära ning vahustasin munavalged valge suhkruga. Panin needki korra kõrvale. Avasin külmkapi ukse ja otsustasin, et maapähklivõi on üks hiilgama vahva toit. Lisasin selle kastrulisse (sinna, kus šokolaad ja muud asjad ees ootamas). Kastrulisse panin ka omavahel segatud jahu, kakaopulbri ja vanillsuhkru. Segasin. Maitsesin. Siis lisasin ettevaatlikult munavalgevahu. Tegin pilti. Valasin taigna küpsetuspaberiga kaetud ahjuplaadile. Tegin pilti. 17 minutiks 180-kraadisesse ahju. Kui oleks 20 minutiks sinna jätnud, oleks peale servade muu ka kõrbenud.

Seni, kuni biskviit jahtus, segasin omavahel kohupiima, moosi ning hunniku kompotikirsse (15 tükki ikka ja kivid võtsin enne välja). Jahtunud põhja lõikasin kolmeks. Panin täidist kihtide vahele ja peale. Kaunistasin kirsside ja küpsisega. Kraapisin küpsist noaga, nii et tekkis kaunis puru, pool küpsist murdsin pisikesteks tükkideks ja asetasin koogile. Kook oli terve öö külmkapis.

Hommikul läksin Tallinna filmivõtete massistseeni (märtsis tuleb välja, küll siis näeb). Seitsme paiku jõudsin tagasi. Enamik koogist oli haihtunud. Järelikult maitses. Proovisin ise ka enne jooksmaminekut väikse tüki. Viis küll keele alla. Magus, aga mitte üleliia. Mõnusaid nüansse täis. Ja nüüd lähen võtan veel ühe hilisõhtuse ampsu. Hea, hea, hea.

English version is down here.

I was thinking for quite a long what kind of cake I should make for September 1. The day is special, so the cake also has to be special.  I flicked through books and browsed internet. My first choice was sea-buckthorn cake I had been planning for long. But I don’t have sea-buckthorn jam nor the juice, I only have some berries in the fridge. Anyway, I browsed through many recipes, made shopping lists (and then deleted them) … but in the end I decided to use what I have (no shopping, let’s save money instead and empty the cupboards!). But there will be this cake. Soon. I’ll make it on September 11. On September 12, me and Karl (finally, he has signed up!) will attempt to run a marathon and after this a tasty slice of a cake filled with vitamins comes in hand indeed. Of course, if we are still awake. Probably, we’ll sleep couple of hours. Or even more. I remember that a year ago when I ran my first half-marathon, I was so sleepy afterward that I slept 2 hours (Oh, this was so good!). When I woke up, Karl had made sushi (!). I didn’t even know that he can make something like this. It appeared that he had acquired the skills two days before and while I was running he had bought all the ingredients (and he also met me after I crossed the finish line) and got busy while I was sleeping. He taught me, too.

Back to the present. For this cake, I got inspiration from the book “100 kooki 2” (“100 cakes 2”). From there, I took the basic idea and changed it quite a lot, so I finished with something quite different.

The ingredients:

150g of chocolate (the original had 250g)
125g of butter (orig. 175g)
1dl of brown and 1dl of white sugar (original: 2dl of sugar)
4 eggs (orig. 5 eggs)
3tbsp of flour
2 tbsp of cocoa powder
1 tsp of vanilla sugar
2dl of red currant jam (orig. 5dl of foxberry jam)

My additions:
6 tbsp of peanut butter (light brown and slightly salty; mine was from Canada, no additives)
200g of curd
1 chocolate cookie
compote cherries (for the filling + on the top)

What did I do?
In some parts, I made the recipe lighter, although obviously the peanut butter added bunch of calories anyway. But still, at least the writing on the jar says that it’s full of healthy oils. Quick internet search showed that many people who grow muscles use it as a source of good fats. Should go to the kitchen now and get a spoonful. I’d love to grow my muscles. I checked my jar, too: 1 tablespoon of this thing gives 100 calories, 3g of proteins, 8g of unsaturated fat and 1g of trans fat.  Oh, and I also added some protein to my cake because of the curd!

Making the cake

The amounts are a bit different but the process is basically the same. I melted the butter, added chocolate and brown sugar and stirred it every once and a while (for the chocolate and sugar to melt, too). Meanwhile, I kept running to the table and separating egg whites from egg yolks. I added the yolks to the melted mixture. One by one. Then I took the mixture away from the heat for some time and whisked the egg whites with white sugar. I put these to the side, too. I opened the refrigerator door and decided that peanut butter is one hell of a great food. I added it to the little pot (where the chocolate mixture was already waiting). Then I mixed flour, cocoa powder, and vanilla sugar and added them to the hot mixture. Stirred. Tasted. Then I added the whipped egg whites. Carefully. Took a photo. Then I poured the dough on a baking tray which was covered with a baking sheet. Took a photo. 17 minutes and 180 degrees. If I had left it there for 20 minutes, something else, apart from the edges, would have burned.

While the cake was cooling down, I mixed curd with jam and a bunch of cherries (15 at least) – this is the filling. Then I cut the basis into 3. Filling in between and on the top. Decorated with cherries and a cookie. I grated the cookie with a knife, so I got nice little crumbs. Half of the cookie I just cracked into little pieces and put on the cake. The cake was in the fridge the whole night.

In the morning, I went to Tallinn to take part in a mass scene in a movie (it will come out in March). Got back around seven. Most of the cake had vanished. So, it had to taste good. Before going for a run, I also tasted a piece of it. Oh, yes, it was good. Sweet, but not too much.  Full of nuances. And now I’ll go for a midnight bite. Good, good, good.

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